The Special Kids Classic, Tee up for TLC is our way of honoring and remembering Mr. Billy Kraft. Mr. & Mrs. Kraft were the founders of Special Kids, Inc., a non-profit organization supporting special needs students. Mr. and Mrs. Kraft loved the work they did, especially when they had the opportunity to play Mr. and Mrs. Clause over Christmas! The Krafts saw something very Special in TLC and when it came time for them to decide the future of Special Kids, Inc. they felt it was it was the perfect fit give TLC a jump start on building their community! Thus, TLC received its first single major gift to the Partner for Potential campaign. We hope the memory of Special Kids, Inc. lives on in the beauty of Transitions Life Center!
Thank you to all of our sponsors and team players at the Special Kids Classic, Tee up for TLC! The morning started off a little chilly but warmed up to be a beautiful day! We are so grateful for such a wonderful turnout and to all those who are helping to make TLC the best it can be. Our members are truly appreciative of your support.