We would like to sincerely thank each and every person that supported the 8th Annual Champagne Dreams Gala & Casino Night on November 9th. The many generous contributions to our Gala helped make it a success. All donations and support played an integral part in carrying out TLC’s mission from a continued vision toward a reality in the next phase of our community center. As we move forward, we hope to continue such outstanding support.
The evening’s program included the annual ceremony from CEO, Darren Ritch, Lucy Johnson, Executive Director, Carmen Maines, TLC board member and donor, as well as Michelle Stone, Marion County Commissioner and new TLC board member. It was a fabulous night of cocktails, hors d’oeuvres, and dinner. There were performances by Transitions Life Center members, Dale Henry, artist and speed painter, and DJ Charlie De. Charlie De added flair with surprise vocalists. There were silent and live auctions, Casino gaming, and prize giveaways. It was an overall extraordinary event and further proof that we are indeed surrounded by a genuinely supportive donor base and community.