Join Us For A Night Of Denim-N-Dancing!
TLC is hosting their 10th annual Champagne Dreams Gala
October 14, 2022
“Happy Hour” at 5:30 followed by Dinner and dancing at 7:00
Entertainment by “Radlin Rootz”
Individual Tickets: $150
Attire: Country Chic
Location: Vintage Farm Campus – College Of Central Florida
4020 S.E. Third Ave
Ocala, FL 34480
Space is limited! Sponsors, please RSVP with your guest seats by September 14.
Special thanks to our premier sponsor.
~Diamond Sponsor
Admission for ten with reserved seating and signage. Logo to be included on printed and electronic newsletters,
displayed in the TLC lobby and on the website with a link back to your website and shoutouts
on social media and media interviews.
Private VIP tour of THRIVE program, lunch, and photos with the members!
~Champagne Sponsor
Admission for eight with reserved seating. Logo on event signage printed and on electronic newsletters.
Private VIP tour of TLC, photos with THRIVE members, and a sampling of their home baked cookies.
~Denim Sponsor
Admission for six and reserved seating. Logo on event signage and shared screen electronic signage during the event.
~Learn more about our sponsors: Click on their logo~